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Can you help make this alliance thing  easier for us?  
Absolutely, because we understand that the various alliance members, while sharing many goals, also often have conflicting or competing goals.


For each of our consulting offerings, we have indicated an approximate duration and the key people involved.  Depending on your titles/structure, the level of documentation detail desired, the number of interviews/meetings, and the timeliness of feedback/review, the effort and duration may vary.


Our company works with  every industry and challenge, which gives us a unique perspective that we bring to every client relationship. We help you approach  challenges and situations in different ways, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and obtain a quick ROI.



These Points of View (POVs) are included to give you an idea of the different issues faced by Alliance professionals.  The issues are real, and the answers can be different for different ecosystems.  We will be adding to and updating this section periodically, so you will almost certainly recognize a topic relevant to you, no matter where you are on the ecosystem maturity curve.


Alliance & Ecosystem Consulting is a California based company .  We formed to address the needs of businesses as they grapple with the increased emphasis on alliances and ecosystems.   We have an informed perspective on what makes a successful ecosystem and what can cause friction for your team and for your partners.  Using experience from both large and smaller companies, and working with companies on 5 continents, chances are we have experience with your challenges.

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